Our vision is to alleviate your stress, guilt and emotion during a very difficult time.

03 9598 7717

0407 863 725

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Source Accommodation

Urgent Respite

Accommodation Placement Plan

Urgent Respite

Negotiating Fees and RADS

Urgent Respite

Post Placement Assistance

Urgent Respite

Always On Call

Urgent Respite

Personalised Care

Urgent Respite

Centrelink Made Easy

Making the decision to place someone you love into permanent Aged Care is an incredibly difficult one, as I found out through my own personal experience. At times the stress and guilt can be overwhelming. I started Help@Hand Aged Care Placements because I felt there was a strong need in the community to help and support others throughout this highly emotional period.

The journey was likened to being lost in a complicated maze; not knowing who to turn to when trying to grasp the complex procedures required. Issues such as sourcing appropriate accommodation, understanding fee structures, endless paperwork and fighting waitlists can be extremely confusing and time consuming.

At Help@Hand Aged Care Placements our passion is to help others by managing the entire process. With our assistance and experience we can substantially reduce the time and work load involved whilst you and your family maintain full control of all final decisions. Our numerous contacts within the industry allow us access to a vast range of facilities and the ability to find the appropriate residence for each individual. Whether it is temporary respite and/or permanent accommodation, our priorities are to ensure a positive outcome for everyone involved during this extremely stressful journey.