The Growing Concerns of Diabetes

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0407 863 725

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Source Accommodation

Urgent Respite

Accommodation Placement Plan

Urgent Respite

Negotiating Fees and RADS

Urgent Respite

Post Placement Assistance

Urgent Respite

Always On Call

Urgent Respite

Personalised Care

Urgent Respite

Centrelink Made Easy

Image of Diabetes being drawn in marker

Diabetes is a major concern among both young and elderly.

Functioning grownups are regularly the subjects of clinical researches conducted to figure out cause, levels of severity and also wider consequences.

Yet solid proof from current research shows that older persons are facing constantly increasing possibilities of developing diabetes along with its side effects.

The United States based organisation, The Centers for Illness Control and Prevention published a National Diabetic Fact Sheet which specified that in the United States alone more than 25% of those aged 65 and over suffer from Diabetes.

They also mentioned that the aging of populations was main factor in the increased numbers diabetes.

It is essential that at a broad wellness industry level and also at the aged care center level, there is an open discussion on diabetes mellitus, supplying easily accessible info and support for family members.

Image of Diabetes machines

What the Experts Say

A team of scientists in the diabetes field released a research study that explored what the statistical evaluation was claiming is the main triggers towards diabetes and it’s increased numbers.

This research mentions that:

“The epidemic of type 2 diabetes is definitely connected to the increasing rates of overweight as well as obesity within the United States.”

“Predictions by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that even if diabetes mellitus occurrence rates fall off, the prevalence of diabetic issues will certainly double in the next two decades, in part as a result of the aging of our populace.”

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Additionally the research study discovered that those aged 75 and also over had twice the possibility of visiting the emergency division for hypoglycemia in comparison to people suffering from diabetic issues.

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Moving Forward

In line with the analytical information that has been appearing from studies done on diabetes for our overall population, it has emerged that diabetic issues will certainly be a significant challenge to most as they age.

Scientists, researches and wellness experts are in support for higher recognition of diabetes as well as lifestyle modifications that can help in stopping its development.

Constant, everyday workouts is endorsed as a fantastic means to help in the avoidance as well as monitoring of diabetes mellitus for any age group.

Inactivity as well as unhealthy BMIs have been shown as huge factors to the body developing diabetic issues and because of this, health experts across the branches of science and expertise urge everybody to be as energetic as we can.

Image of two older persons going for a walk

When it comes to your older loved ones, it is smart as well as ideal to tailor activities that will certainly suit their wheelchair requirements.

A little walk along the hallway outside their place might help considerably in their total health and pursuit of avoiding diabetic issues.

Going with them while having a conversation may benefit their enthusiasm as well as inspire them to be as active as they can be.

As diabetes is likely to be a big part of the medical course for most of our family members and friends, it is essential that the discussion of prevention, practices as well as assistance is a constant and mutual one.

Our Services

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

There are times when urgent respite is necessary, perhaps after an operation or illness. This service is here to get your family member back on their feet. With our network, we can help find a solution to fit your requirements.

Urgent Respite

Source Appropriate Accommodation

Because accommodation options vary so much, it is our goal to find the best fit for your loved one. This is achieved with the information collected mainly at our briefing and additional dialogue we will have throughout this journey. We will contact appropriate aged care homes that will cover all your needs.

Urgent Respite

Accommodation Placement Plan

Once the type of accommodation requirement has been established, we will make contact with a number of appropriate aged care homes to find out their availability and organise tours for you and your loved one. After careful consideration and due diligence and once your decision has been made we will confirm with the aged care home that a placement is required where your loved one will either be put on a wait list or, if a place is available, then move straight in. On occasion we are able to bypass or be escalated on wait lists due to our relationships with Aged Care Facilities.

Urgent Respite

Assistance in Negotiating Fees and RADS

Upon acceptance of a placement there is a large amount of paperwork and negotiations to be done. Help@Hand Aged Care Placements will assist you to get the best result for your loved one.

Urgent Respite

Post Placement Assistance

When your loved one’s placement has been finalised and they have settled into Aged Care, don’t think for a moment that our service has come to an end. On the contrary, our role as your advocate is on going. We like to follow up to track how everyone is coping and as part of our post placement service we continue to be a your support and act as your advocate if you have ongoing concerns

Urgent Respite

Always On Call

You are welcome to call Help@Hand Aged Care Placements at any time as we are here to help you. We understand the stress associated with placing a loved one into Aged Care and know that at times your concerns just can’t wait. Whether it's a question that you need answering or you are feeling stressed, never hesitate to pick up the phone to Help@Hand Aged Care Placements

Urgent Respite

Personalised Care

Help@Hand Aged Care Placements is proud to offer one on one personalised support. You will always be guided by Sally Gilbert who is passionate about your loved one’s wellbeing and offers holistic guidance to you and your family. Sally is here to advocate on your behalf during this complex and emotional Aged Care journey

Urgent Respite

Centrelink Made Easy

The Centrelink process can be tedious, frustrating and confusing. We take the stress out of this process by discussing with you the many Centrelink entitlements and work out which option is best for you. Alternatively, you may already be receiving Centrelink benefits, if so we can assess and rectify any issues to make sure you are receiving the maximum return from your entitlement. As your Centrelink representative, Help@Hand Aged Care Placements is here to support, advise and assist you through the Centrelink maze and our mission is to present to you a streamlined and personalised service.