Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Source Accommodation

Urgent Respite

Accommodation Placement Plan

Urgent Respite

Negotiating Fees and RADS

Urgent Respite

Post Placement Assistance

Urgent Respite

Always On Call

Urgent Respite

Personalised Care

Urgent Respite

Centrelink Made Easy

Posted: 6 years ago

Hi Sally,
On behalf of all my family, including dad, I thank you most sincerely for your brilliant services in a time of emotional stress. I am sure we could not have done it without your support and guidance along the way. We appreciated your insight into our various personal nuances and needs to get the result that we were all happy with.
Thanks also for being available anytime to talk which was a huge comfort and relief and thank you for the outstanding results with Regis.
I have already recommended your services and you are on stand-by for some of my friends with elderly parents.
It was a pleasure working with you Sally.
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