Valda Grimston

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Urgent Respite

Source Accommodation

Urgent Respite

Accommodation Placement Plan

Urgent Respite

Negotiating Fees and RADS

Urgent Respite

Post Placement Assistance

Urgent Respite

Always On Call

Urgent Respite

Personalised Care

Urgent Respite

Centrelink Made Easy

Posted: 5 years ago

Words will never adequately express the gratitude and appreciation I have for Sally. Because of her hard work and tenaciousness my mother is now happily settled in a wonderful facility.
Sally sourced a variety of facilities for me to look at and was by my side through the whole process. Once I had selected a place Sally was my advocate ensuring the best outcome in terms of finances etc occurred.
Sally was understanding, compassionate and a great source of strength through a difficult time.
Thank you so much Sally. You were my angel. I was indeed blessed to have met you.
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